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The Vladimir and Suzdal Museum was established in 1958. Now the Museum includes 45 museum exhibitions in Vladimir, Suzdal and Gus Khrustalny, 8 exhibition halls, 65 monuments of architecture, 7 of which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: the Golden Gate, Assumption Cathedral, St Demetrius Cathedral of the 12th century in Vladimir; the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (13th century), the architectural ensemble of the Monastery of the Saviour and St Euthymius in Suzdal; the 12th-century limestone edifices in Bogolyubovo and Kideksha.
The Museum’s inventory includes more than 440,000 items grouped into 38 stock collections. 17 professional restorers work hard to preserve the national heritage. Only in 2018, they restored more than 1,500 items from the Museum collections. A great event was to save the unique ancient Russian icon of the Virgin of Bogolyubovo, when after 7-year restoration they managed to unveil the authentic painting of the 12th century.